Thanks for your interest so far, now it's time to let us know exactly how we can help you enjoy the beauty of Moravia and it's wonderful history, nature and beers!
Below, you can either sign up for news and updates or use the contact form to tell us what you would like, or to ask for options and prices if you would like something we haven't offered on our site.
If you have never heard of Moravia, or had it confused with Monrovia, Moldova or Molvania, then our ‘How to get to Moravia’ page might be a good pace to start! Before making any final arrangements, please read our ‘Terms and conditions’ as well.
If you have any questions, send us an e-mail and we can give you the most up to date advice possible.
We look forward to welcoming you to Moravia soon,
Jeff and Petra,
The Discover Moravia Team.